I downloaded my form(s) but I can't find them on my computer. What do I do?Again no worries,
just send me an email and I'll email the form(s) right over to you. You'll be able to save the form(s) from your email to your computer for unlimited usage.
I've lost my form(s) and need a replacement. Do I have to pay for it/them again?No, you do not have to pay for them again. Just
send me an email and I'll email it/them right over to you.
What program do I have to have to use these forms?These forms will work on both PC/Windows computers and Macintosh computers. To use the .doc forms you'll need Word installed on your computer. To use the .pdf forms you'll need the free Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer.
Will these forms work on Macintosh?They sure do. :o) You'll need Microsoft Word for the Word version and the free Adobe Acrobat Reader for the PDF version.
I've downloaded the form(s) but I can't open it/them. What now?That usually means that the form package will not "unzip" or "unstuff" itself. Not a problem,
just send me an email and I'll send you the forms already unzipped/unstuffed.
The Word form that I'm trying to use has a bunch of gibberish on it. What's up?This usually means that the Word form has opened in an application other than Word, such as Works or Wordpad or Wordperfect. The Word forms will not work in any application other than Word. If you don't have Word please
please send me an email and I'll email the PDF version to you.
I've filled in the form but I can't print it. What now?Usually, this means that even though you purchased the form, you're still using the free preview. The free previews do not print. If you can't locate the purchased form(s) on your computer
please send me an email and I'll email you new copies. :)
Why do I have to enter my credit card number to download another copy of the form, I thought they were unlimited usage?The forms are unlimited usage. They're designed to stay on your computer forever so that you can use them as often as you ever need/want to. If you need to download another copy the system asks for your credit card number to verify your original purchase but it doesn't charge your card again.
You don't need to go through all this though. If you need another copy of the form
you can send me an email and I'll email you a new copy. My goal is to make this all as easy as possible.