Forms For Government Projects

The forms aren't listed alphabetically but rather in the order that they might be used the first time around.

Your company receives unlimited usage of these instantly downloadable forms:
  • They can be used by any number of people in your organization

  • They can be used at home as well as in the office

  • They can be used on as many devices as you'd like
I strongly request and recommend that you make backup copy/copies of your documents before you use them.

That way if something happens with your computer and it loses the form(s) or anything else happens to the form(s) you'll have your 'master' form (your backup) to make a new copy from. :o)

I do replace forms at no charge but I may not be available as quickly as you need a new copy of the form and/or I may not be distributing that particular form any longer.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.

Government Certified Payroll Forms

All States - Federal

WH-347 & WH-348 United States Department of Labor (DOL) Payroll Form; includes the certification which is the WH-348

Statement Of Non-Performance on the project for those weeks when you don't do any work on the project


A-1-131 Public Works Payroll Form - California Department of Industrial Relations (DIR) Public Works Payroll Form (including the certification document)

CAC 2 Training Fund Contributions Form - California Apprenticeship Council

CEM-2501 Fringe Benefit Statement - California Department of Transportation (DOT) Fringe Benefit Statement Form

CEM-2502 & CEM-2503 (plus instruction sheet) - California Department of Transportation Contractor Payroll Form & Statement of Compliance Form

CEM-2505 Owner-Operator Listing and Statement of Compliance

DAS-140 Public Works Contract Award Information Form - Provide to the Apprentice Committee when you've been awarded a project (if you have employees) ;o)

DAS-142 Request for Dispatch of an Apprentice from the California Apprenticeship Council - used to request the dispatch of an apprentice

Fringe Benefit Statement - used by many governmental agencies and private businesses

New Jersey

New Jersey Payroll Certification for Public Works Projects Form - includes both pages


LLC-25 Pennsylvania Weekly Payroll Certification for Public Works Projects Form


Washington State F700-065-000 Certified Payroll Report

So… Ugh… time for another week of certified payroll; filling in those awful forms week after week - it’s enough to make prevailing wage projects not worth the hassle

Many companies have been using a better method; in the process they’ve found that the time freed up by this program has led them to higher profits.

It's so simple; enter the timecard(s) into your computer and then grab the fully-completed certified payroll form off of the printer.

No more messing around with looking up tax rates or other withholding information; the program already ‘knows’ that info and populates the form for each employee.

No hassling trying to figure out the employee's address - the program already knows it and fills it in for you.

And so on…

I‘ve known the guys behind this program for what seems like forever; pretty much as long as I’ve been running my Internet business.

Of extremely special interest to those contractors who work in California … this program works with the DIR upload system!

These guys have offered to give my readers and customers discounts, up to 40% off, on their various programs (but the purchaser MUST use the code TCG *at the time of purchase* in order to get the discount; it's too late after the purchase has been made.

Go ahead and check it out, a separate window will open and I'll be here waiting for you when you come back. ;o)

Please note that this page is in no way an exhaustive list of the various government forms needed for construction

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