Below Are The Most Common Forms Needed While A Construction Project Is Ongoing
The forms aren't listed alphabetically but rather in the order that they might be used the first time around.
Your company receives unlimited usage of these instantly downloadable forms:
They can be used by any number of people in your organization
They can be used at home as well as in the office
They can be used on as many devices as you'd like
I strongly request and recommend that you make backup copy/copies of your documents before you use them.
That way if something happens with your computer and it loses the form(s) or anything else happens to the form(s) you'll have your 'master' form (your backup) to make a new copy from. :o)
I do replace forms at no charge but I may not be available as quickly as you need a new copy of the form and/or I may not be distributing that particular form any longer.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.
Style #1 - Room for your license #/exp. date and includes basic legalese text.
Style #2 - Same as #1 except it includes a provision for charging interest.
Style #3 - Same as #1 except the legalese section is blank for your own terms.
Style #4 - No license #/exp. date required; includes the same legalese as Style #1.
Style #5 - Same as #4 except the legalese text is the same as Style #2.
Style #6 - Same as #5 except that the legalese section has been left blank.
Bundles - Styles #1 thru #6 (the styles match the above); each bundle comes with a proposal form and its matching change order form (at less than what it costs to purchase them individually)
Please note that this page is in no way an exhaustive list of the various documents a contractor might need when working on a project
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